I have always been an avid picture taker. My mom and I shared the love of photography and it was our thing. My mom died unexpectedly at the age of 59 and I was grief stricken. My interest in photography came to a complete stop and I got rid of my camera. I couldn't see continuing my passion when I couldn't share it with her. I donated my camera in 2008 and fell into a year long depression. It would be 12 years before things would change for the better for me.
In 2020 the world became a dark and uncertain place. We were all afraid and the isolation of being stuck at home was heavy. I was going stir crazy, as were so many others. I didn't know what to do with myself to fill my time. My daughter began to encourage me to buy a camera and start doing photography again. So, I did. It had been so long and I decided to give it another go.
I had developed 7 autoimmune diseases in my 40's and I began receiving real help from a holistic doctor. Even though the world was shut down, I was determined to go outside, start walking and bring my camera with me. This decision changed my entire life. My health began to improve and the passion of photographing birds began and I haven't looked back. I have expanded my photography to all wildlife but my real joy is found in birds.
Because of my health conditions I was unable to drive for long distances due to sudden fatigue. My husband and I decided to buy a small trailer so he could drive me to places I couldn't go myself. We started camping at Texas state parks and trips were becoming more frequent. Both my husband and I began to feel a push from God that we were meant to do more than what we were doing. There was something bigger ahead!
We had built a custom home and moved into it in May of 2019. In March of 2023 we felt the call from God to sell all of our possessions and our home. People thought we were crazy! One thing we know is that when God speaks to you it's best to be obedient. So we did it. We sold our home, bought a pickup truck and a 41 foot fifth wheel trailer and began our new life on September 9, 2024. It's been a wild ride but it's been so amazing!
I am able to go out and meet people, shares God's love and His creation with others through my pictures. Life is a mysterious journey and I never could have imagined my life to be where it is right now. I am so thankful and happy to have this hobby of photography. I am always working on developing better skills and photos. One day and one snap at a time!
If you want to know more about my journey and want to follow along with me and my husband along the way, click the button below to come along with us!
Some pictures from our year on the road! Lots more to explore!!