(NV) Non-venomous
(V) Venomous
Poisonous VS Venomous? The main difference between poisonous and venomous is how the toxin enters the body. 
Poisonous: A toxin that enters the body through swallowing, inhaling, or absorption through the skin.
Venomous: A toxin that enters the body through an injection, such as from a snake's fangs or a scorpion's stinger. 

Broad Banded Water Snake (NV)
Broad Banded Water Snake (NV)
Cottonmouth (V)
Cottonmouth (V)
Diamondback Water Snake (NV)
Diamondback Water Snake (NV)
Plain Bellied Watersnake (NV)
Plain Bellied Watersnake (NV)
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (V)
Western Diamondback Rattlesnake (V)
Texas Coral Snake (V)
Texas Coral Snake (V)
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